no skills necessary ....

no purpose necessary ...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I think I am a perfectionist. BTW - there is another word for that starting with "a" that I alway use, but with a quick google search to ensure the correct spelling - returns no work friendly results . Heck , suppose I clean up my writing a bit.

I was working on a presentation in power point - thinking, wouldn't it be nice to figure out how to line the two pages up, so that my back / forward paging doesn't jump too much within the contents?

Something like how you can take a graphical editing tool, and line your objects up. Well, I want to line things up across pages.

Then I realized only people who look at power point for way too long think of such things...

But - isn't power point the perfect time waster for perfectionist ? the amount of time - to tweak the message - just right.

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