no skills necessary ....

no purpose necessary ...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I deflated my down comforter

This morning - in a clean the house mode - I decided to wash my down comforter.

There were many signs that pointed to me that this is not a good thing to do - but I ignored them totally... The first one being the Dry Clean only tag.

In the middle of stuffing my comforter into my washing machine - I thought - hmm it might not fit. My first instinct is - to stuff it in. Didn't I wash another comforter in the same manner before ? Or was it the same one ? My memory escapes me in the morning.

OK. Then. Filling up with water, add detergent. That's the point of no return. And... the comforter floats. Refusing to be soaked in totally in to the water.

Decided to let it run and see what happens. The comforter resisted the agitation (as its still somewhat floating) - and it looks as if the washer can't do anything about it... ack.

Decided that this doesn't work... Let the comforter soak and decide what's the next step. The detergent is already in.. so rinsing must happen..

Skip the washing cycle to rinse and spin dry... Figure - Let me just get the soap out of the way and perhaps the spin cycle will get ride of the extra water.... and yes it did.

And... there is one deflated down comforter in my washing machine.

Remind me not to do it again.

Monday, February 11, 2008

懶懶的新年 ...

Chinese New Year happened, and I was lazy. Called mom , aunt, and pretty much it. Laziness sometimes becomes me. Eat eat eat... food food food. This is the real time of the year to really eat good stuff.

I decided that this year, I should send a mass email out to friends and family, and just wishing them Happy New Year. No cheezy red color eCards (tho they are nice to have) . This is very very generic. Its something that took me a while to craft, b/c I have no clue how to type Chinese into my computer - cut and pasting happened, but looking exactly like something a machine can spit out.

恭喜發財!! 新年快樂 ! 祝大家身體健康, 萬事如意. :)

Perhaps not too generic. It does look pretty :)

Oh - and it took me a while to find the word for my name...

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